Reports: US Job Market Stronger, But Credit Card Bills Rising

New data show the U.S. job market becoming a bit stronger, while credit card costs are increasing for American consumers.

Thursday’s report from the Labor Department says the number of newly-laid off workers signing up for assistance fell 8,000 last week to a nationwide total of 237,000. Experts say any level below 300,000 indicates strong demand for workers and a healthy job market.  Jobless claims have been under this benchmark now for well over two years, the longest streak since 1970.

On Wednesday, the U.S. central bank cited the improving job market as evidence that the economy no longer needs the boost it has been receiving from ultra-low interest rates. The Federal Reserve increased the key interest rate by a quarter of a percent. It is the latest in a series of gradual increases intended to bring interest rates closer to the average rates seen over the past few decades.

While economists say the increases are a vote of confidence in the economy, higher rates also raise costs for consumers who have run up credit card bills. The business group WalletHub says U.S. consumer credit card debt will likely exceed $1 trillion this year, a record high. The company says that means a quarter of a percentage point interest rate hike will cost consumers an extra $1.5 billion this year.

Wednesday’s action is the latest of several rate increases, and if all the higher costs are tallied, the bill for consumers will be $6 billion more this year than it would have been in the past.

US Senate Approves Russia Sanctions

The U.S. Senate voted 98-2 Thursday to approve sweeping sanctions against Russia and make it harder for President Donald Trump to ease punitive measures against Moscow.

“We have no time to waste,” said Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona. “The United States of America needs to send a strong message to [Russian President] Vladimir Putin and any other aggressor that we will not tolerate attacks on our democracy.”

“We must not allow this kind of interference in our elections become a normal process,” said Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire.

Adopted overwhelmingly as an amendment to an Iran sanctions bill, the measure targets Russia’s cyber espionage entities, energy sector, financial interests, and the flow of Russian weaponry to war zones like Syria.

“It expands the list of where sanctions can apply to the energy projects and foreign financial institutions,” said Ben Cardin of Maryland, the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “It provides for actors undermining cyber security being subject to sanctions. It provides sanctions against suppliers of Russian arms to Syria. It’s comprehensive.”

The measure also asserts a role for Congress if the White House opts to ease any sanctions against Moscow.

“The president can’t remove a sanction until he’s given Congress notice and an opportunity to review,” Cardin said. “We can have congressional hearings, we can put a spotlight on it. And then we have an expedited process where we could reject the president’s decision to give relief. And all during that process, the sanctions remain in place.”

The Trump administration reportedly is weighing the return of Russian compounds on U.S. soil seized by the Obama administration, and the president has repeatedly expressed a desire for better relations with Moscow while downplaying the impact of Russia’s cyber activities.

“It’s particularly significant that a bipartisan coalition is seeking to reestablish Congress, not the president, as the final arbiter of sanctions relief,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat.

McCain described existing punitive measures against Russia as “modest” and “reversible at the discretion of the president.”

“We must take our own side in this fight, not as Republicans, not as Democrats, but as Americans,” McCain said.

The White House has not said if Trump would sign or veto the legislation, which would have to be passed by the House of Representatives before it could go to the president‘s desk. Testifying this week on Capitol Hill, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson acknowledged the need to take action against Russia but warned against measures that would cut off dialogue with Moscow.

“We would ask for the flexibility to turn the heat up when we need to, but also to ensure that we have the ability to maintain a constructive dialogue,” Tillerson said.

The underlying bill imposed new sanctions on Iran for its ballistic missile program and support for international terrorism. Lawmakers of both parties stressed the measures in no way target Iran’s nuclear program or the landmark international nuclear accord with Tehran.

“We see destabilizing act after destabilizing act [by Iran], from missile launches to arms transfers to terrorist training to illicit financial activities to targeting Navy ships and detaining American citizens,” said the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Republican Bob Corker of Tennessee.

“It’s past time for us to take steps to protect the interests of the United States and our allies. This bill is the first time Congress has come together since the JCPOA, the Iran nuclear deal, to do just that,” Corker added.

“This bill will impose sanctions on Iran for its non-nuclear violations,“ Cardin said. “The debate we have here is on the non-nuclear activities of Iran that violate international norms and international agreements.”


Trump Orders More Cash, Industry Input, for Apprenticeships

President Donald Trump on Thursday ordered more money and a bigger role for private companies in designing apprenticeship programs meant to fill some of the 6 million open jobs in the U.S.


Trump signed an executive order to roughly double to $200 million the taxpayer money spent on learn-to-earn programs. The money would come from existing job training programs. The executive order would leave it to industry to design apprenticeships under broad standards to be set by the Labor Department.


“We’re training people to have great jobs and high paying jobs,” Trump said at a White House ceremony. “We’re here today to celebrate the dignity of work and the greatness of the American worker.”


Trump is directing the government to review and streamline some 43 workforce programs across 13 agencies. Senior administration officials have said Trump was reluctant to spend more federal funds on apprenticeships, so the boost would come from existing money, perhaps from the streamlining process. The officials spoke Thursday on condition of anonymity to preview Trump’s order.


Companies have long complained that they can’t find trained people to fill highly technical jobs, and apprenticeship programs have sprung up around the country. Companies now have to register with the Labor Department and adhere to government guidelines.


There are about 500,000 apprenticeship positions in the U.S.


Trump had campaigned on creating jobs. The executive order addresses the nation’s “skills gap” that have left millions of open jobs unfilled. Apprenticeships would give students a way to learn skills without the crippling debt of four-year colleges, and expand those opportunities to women, minorities and other populations underrepresented among the nation’s roughly 505,000 apprentices.


Trump accepted a challenge earlier this year from a CEO to create 5 million new apprenticeships.


The Trump administration has said there’s a need that can be met with a change in the American attitude toward vocational education and apprenticeships. A November 2016 report by former president Barack Obama’s Commerce Department found that “apprenticeships are not fully understood in the United States, especially” by employers, who tend to use apprentices for a few, hard-to-fill positions but not as widely as they could.


The shortages for specifically trained workers cut across multiple job sectors, from construction trades to agriculture, manufacturing, information technology and health care.


Critics say Trump can’t be promoting apprenticeships while he proposes cutting federal job training funding by as much as 40 percent – from $2.7 billion to $1.6 billion. There also are questions about oversight of apprenticeship programs that begin and operate almost completely under the control of the company.


Apprenticeships are few and far between. Of the 146 million jobs in the United States, about 0.35 percent – or slightly more than a half-million – were filled by active apprentices in 2016. Filling millions more jobs through apprenticeships would require the government to massively ramp up its efforts.


“Scaling is the big issue,” said Robert Lerman, a fellow at the Urban Institute.


Another complication: only about half of apprentices finish their multi-year programs. Fewer than 50,000 people – including 11,104 in the military – completed their apprenticeships in 2016, according to Labor Department.


Trump’s resume includes the hit television show, “The Apprentice.”

Oxygen-Producing Bacteria Could Help Heart Attack Sufferers

Photosynthetic bacteria and light may offer hope to heart disease patients, a new study suggests.

Researchers at Stanford University say that after injecting the bacteria into the hearts of rats with cardiac disease and using light to start photosynthesis, they were able to increase the flow of oxygen, improving heart function.

“The beauty of it is that it’s a recycling system,” said Joseph Woo, senior author of the study. “You deliver the bacteria, they take up carbon dioxide, and with energy from the light, they form oxygen.”

The findings could help many who have a condition called cardiac ischemia, which restricts blood flow and the delivery of oxygen to the heart muscles.

“We thought there is an interesting relationship in nature,” Woo said. “In nature, humans exhale carbon dioxide and plants convert it back to oxygen. During a heart attack, the muscle is still trying to pump. There’s carbon dioxide but no oxygen. We wondered if there were any way to use plant cells and put them next to heart cells to produce oxygen from the carbon dioxide.”

At first, the researchers tried to use spinach and kale cells, but the chloroplasts, the structures where photosynthesis occurs, were not stable enough to live outside the plant.

“So we kept looking around,” Woo said, saying the next option was photosynthetic bacteria called cyanobacteria because it is “more rugged” and could survive with heart cells in a petri dish.

After that, Woo and his team injected cyanobacteria into the beating hearts of anesthetized rats, comparing the oxygen levels among rats with their hearts exposed to light and rats that did not have light shined on their hearts.

“The group that received the bacteria plus light had more oxygen and the heart worked better,” Woo said, adding that the bacteria “dissipated” in about 24 hours. Improved cardiac function lasted at least four weeks, he said.

“This is still very preliminary,” Woo said.

The study was published in the journal Science Advances.

UN: Trucks Readied to Send Polio Vaccine For IS-Held Syria

A U.N. humanitarian aid adviser for Syria says trucks are being prepared to ship polio vaccine into Islamic State group-held areas of Deir Ezzor governorate following confirmation of a “very dangerous” outbreak of the virus.


Jan Egeland made the comment to reporters Thursday in the wake of the confirmation announced last week by the World Health Organization of two cases in Deir Ezzor of a polio strain derived from vaccines that mutated under weakening health and immunization conditions.


He said 58 acute flaccid paralysis cases, a possible symptom of polio, had been reported in Deir Ezzor this year through June 6.


Egeland said “it’s one of the remarkable things” of Syria’s war that people have been reached with vaccines, even in the Deir Ezzor and Raqqa governorates held by IS.


Child Poverty, Hunger Widespread in World’s Richest Countries

A new report by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) finds child poverty and hunger are widespread in 41 of the world’s richest countries. The report says one in five children in rich countries lives in poverty, while one in eight often do not have enough to eat.

The report finds high income does not necessarily lead to a good outcome for children and often serves to widen the gap between rich and poor. UN Children’s Fund Chief of Social Policy and Economic Analysis, Jose Cuesta says all 41 countries surveyed, in one way or another, are failing to protect the well-being of their children.

“If I were to grade all countries, no one will get an A,” he said. “There is good news, of course, in quite a number of targets and areas. For instance, childhood learning or reductions in neonatal mortality rates. But, there are also substantive gaps in some targets. For instance, poverty reduction of children, increasing inequality, increasing obesity and worsening mental health.”

The seven top ranked countries in UNICEF’s League Table of 41 countries includes all the Nordic countries — Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland, as well as Germany and Switzerland. The seven countries holding up the bottom are Chili, Mexico, the United States, Bulgaria, Romania, Israel and Turkey.

Cuesta tells VOA the United States, which ranks 37th does not perform well in areas such as poverty, hunger, good health and well-being, and quality education.

“Actually, it is a surprise and it is not a surprise at the same time because consistently the U.S. is doing poorly across these key indicators. So, it is not really one indicator driving the results here,” he said.

The report notes wealth and economic growth alone are not enough to ensure the well-being of children. UNICEF is urging rich countries to put children’s needs at the heart of their policy agenda.


Thai Local Communities Want Their Say in Fighting Pollution

Thailand’s industrial development faces fresh calls for greater local community participation in addressing the challenges of environmental pollution, especially as reports point to an escalation in the production of hazardous industrial pollution.

Industrialization has been a core of Thailand’s economic progress over the past three decades as the country progressed from agricultural to industrial and manufacturing development.

Investments in major chemical and manufacturing industries have been marked by industrial estates, especially in the Eastern Seaboard some 150 kilometers from Bangkok.

The military government is now looking to expand industrial development to boost the economy through 10 special economic zones throughout the country and further investment near Bangkok by way of an Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC).

But Thailand’s push for growth has raised concerns by local communities about increasing pollution, despite controls and legislation.

Thailand’s Pollution Control Department (PCD), in its latest report, estimates some 37.4 million metric tons of industrial waste was generated nationwide in 2015, of which 2.8 million tons — or 7.5 percent of the total, were hazardous industrial waste.

Hazardous waste

At the same time, hazardous waste — covering all waste from communities, industrial activities and infectious waste — stood at 3.45 million tons, an increase of 28 percent from the previous year.

“The production and use of hazardous substances in the country has caused pollution as hazardous substances were released into the environment and may cause contamination or remain in the environment,” the PCD said.

A European Union funded report with the Thai-based Ecological Alert and Recovery Thailand (EARTH) and Prague-based University of Chemistry and Technology covered eight provinces and the impact on local communities from dangerous heavy metal pollution.

The heavy metals examined in the study included arsenic, mercury, zinc, cadmium, chromium, and lead along with organic contaminants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and petroleum products, which medical authorities warn can be potential dangers to health.

Key areas of concern were the eastern seaboard industrial areas of Map Ta Phut and the provinces of Samut Sakorn Saraburi and Praeksa — which was affected by leakages from industrial landfills into the local environment.

Heavy metal pollution

Marek Sir, a chemistry researcher from the University of Chemistry and Technology in the Czech Republic, said the studies indicated concerns over heavy metal pollution in areas near industrial plants.

“In some areas there are real problems with the mixture of heavy metals or with the mixture of pollution. I was surprised mainly by the levels of heavy metals around recycling plants and smelting plants,” Sir told VOA.

“That’s a problem — still there are toxic fumes released into the environment and the easiest way to spread the pollution of heavy metals, which are absorbed on solid particles and they can diffuse into the air and can be transported. So that’s the problem — one of the problems,” he said.

EARTH director Penchom Saetang said there is a need for local communities to participate in the studies or projects in the future, as well as taking part in any process to rehabilitate affected polluted areas or studies.

Thailand has more than 139,000 large and medium-sized industrial plants, both inside and outside industrial estates and parks which number some 87 throughout the country.

The EARTH/ARNIKA report accused factory owners responsible for pollution of “uncaring management,” with the result of water pollution, toxic air pollution and hazardous industrial waste — especially those mismanaged and illegally dumped.

Contaminated areas are often not restored with local people increasingly lacking trust in officials and the state, and leading to opposition to further industrial development.

Cost of rehabilitation

EARTH director Penchom said access to funding for land rehabilitation remains a major stopping block.

“The big problem is rehabilitation and remediation will consume lots or money. I think the private corporations and the polluters are not willing to pay and this is the fundamental cost in Thailand. It’s very difficult to enforce the law for the polluters to pay,” she said.

Greenpeace Thailand country director Tara Buakameri said too often environmental policy depends on “top down” decision making, failing to address the pollution at the source.

Tara said policy often compromises the environment to the benefit to industry and development.

“It is a compromise situation – the compromise that benefits the polluter, benefits irresponsible companies that pollute the environment. When we can see that the result from the toxic contamination in different regions in Thailand — also affects the community,” Tara told VOA.

He said communities have a “right to know” when pollution has occurred and the amount and toxicity to be able to respond and to seek solutions and treatments.

The Pollution Control Department set out a strategic plan covering 2012-2021 calling for “rules and regulation amendments to facilitate effective waste management as well as strict enforcement of the laws. Additionally, compensation schemes for local administrations and residents should be developed.”

US Central Bank Hikes Key Interest Rate Amid Weaker Than Expected Data

The U.S. central bank raised its benchmark interest rate Wednesday amid concerns about sluggish growth, a slowdown in consumer spending and low inflation. But the head of the U.S. Federal Reserve says the one-quarter of 1 percent increase in the federal funds rate demonstrates the committee’s confidence in the overall health of the U.S. economy. Mil Arcega has more.

Kushner Company Drops Tax Break Request in New Jersey

The real estate firm owned by the family of Jared Kushner has withdrawn a request for a big tax break for one its buildings in Jersey City, New Jersey, the latest setback for the company in the area.


The Kushner Cos. sent a letter withdrawing its application for a 30-year break from city taxes for a planned two-tower project in the struggling Journal Square section of the city, Jersey City spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill said Wednesday. Opponents of the tax breaks marched downtown earlier this year and the city’s mayor recently came out against the Kushner request.


Jared Kushner was CEO of the family company before stepping down to become a senior adviser to his father-in-law, President Donald Trump.

Committed to area


Kushner Cos. spokesman James Yolles said the company is committed to the “much-needed investment” in that area of the city.


The loss of the tax break is the latest blow for the company in a city where it is major real estate developer.


The 79-story building, One Journal Square, gained attention last month after Jared Kushner’s sister, Nicole Kushner Meyer, mentioned her brother in a presentation in Beijing where she had hoped to attract Chinese investors in the building. Marketing material noted the “celebrity status” of her family.


Government ethics experts blasted the family for what they said was an attempt to profit off Jared Kushner’s position in Washington, and the Kushner Cos. canceled upcoming investor presentations in the country.


The company said Meyer wasn’t trying to use her White House ties to attract investors.

EB-5 visa program


The Kushner family is seeking 300 wealthy Chinese to invest a total of $150 million in One Journal Square. The family was trying to raise money through the EB-5 visa program that grants temporary U.S. residency to wealthy foreigners in exchange for investments of at least $500,000 in certain U.S. projects


The company also is in danger of losing another tax break for the building. The shared office space firm WeWork recently pulled out as anchor tenant. That has put in doubt a state tax break tied to WeWork.


Another project is off, too. The Kushner Cos. once considered bidding to develop a 95-acre industrial site along the Hackensack River in the city for housing, called Bayfront. Last month, it was revealed the family had withdrawn from those plans last year.


The Kusnher Cos. has said politics had nothing to do with its decision to withdraw from Bayfront, and that “economics of the deal” drove the move.


As for One Journal Square, company spokesman Yolles said the project will provide 4,000 construction jobs and $180 million in tax revenue for the city over 30 years.

Tax breaks an issue


Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop, a Democrat, is running for re-election this fall, and tax breaks to developers have become a major issue.


Unlike neighboring Hoboken, Jersey City has granted dozens of tax breaks in recent years. Fulop had campaigned to reform the practice, but critics say he has done little.


Another Kushner property in the city overlooking the Hudson River got a five-year tax break soon after Fulop was elected mayor. That 50-story building has licensed the Trump name and is called Trump Bay Street. The building was also partly financed with EB-5 visa money from abroad.


The Kushner family owns or manages 20,000 apartments, 13 million square feet of office space and industrial properties in several states, including New York, New Jersey, Maryland and Illinois. 

Report: More Women in Workforce Would Add Trillions to World Economy

A new report by the International Labor Organization (ILO) says getting more women into the world labor market would add trillions of dollars to the global economy and boost tax revenues. 

According to the report, the ILO World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends for Women 2017, just more than 49 percent of women globally are in the labor force, a rate nearly 27 percent lower than that for men.

The ILO is calling for a narrowing of the gender gap, which it says is widespread, persistent and substantial, in the world of work. But unfortunately, ILO says, this situation is expected to remain unchanged in 2018.

G-20 commitment

Deborah Greenfield, ILO deputy director for policy, says the Group of 20 (G-20) leaders have committed themselves to reducing the gender gap in work participation rates between men and women by 25 percent by the year 2025.

Greenfield says huge benefits would accrue to women, society and the economy if this goal is met.

“This would have the potential to add $5.8 trillion, measured in U.S. dollars, to the global economy,” Greenfield said. “This could also unlock large potential tax revenues. We estimate roughly $1.5 trillion globally, most of it in emerging and developed countries.”

Areas that would benefit most

The report says North Africa, the Arab states and southern Asia have the lowest number of women in paid labor. It says these regions would benefit most from narrowing the gaps, which exceed 50 percentage points, in participation rates between men and women.

The ILO says society must change its attitudes toward the role of women in the world of work and not fall back on the excuse that it is unacceptable for a woman to have a paid job.

Vintage Typewriters Gain Fans Amid ‘Digital Burnout’

Typewriter enthusiasts gather at an Albuquerque restaurant to experiment with vintage Smith Coronas. Fans in Boston kneel in a city square and type stories about their lives during a pro-immigration demonstration. A documentary on typewriters featuring Tom Hanks and musician John Mayer is set for release this summer.

In the age of smartphones, social media and hacking fears, vintage typewriters that once gathered dust in attics and basements are attracting a new generation of fans across the U.S.

From public “type-ins” at bars to street poets selling personalized, typewritten poems on the spot, typewriters have emerged as popular items with aficionados hunting for them in thrift stores, online auction sites and antique shops. Some buy antique Underwoods to add to a growing collection. Others search for a midcentury Royal Quiet De Luxe — like a model author Ernest Hemingway used — to work on that simmering novel.

The rescued machines often need servicing, leading fans to seek out the few remaining typewriter repair shops.

“I haven’t seen business like this in years,” said John Lewis, a typewriter repairman who has operated out of his Albuquerque shop for four decades. “There’s definitely a new interest, and it’s keeping me very busy.”

Renewed interest began around 10 years ago when small pockets of typewriter enthusiasts came together online, said Richard Polt, a philosophy professor at Xavier University in Cincinnati and author of The Typewriter Revolution: A Typist’s Companion for the 21st Century. Since then, the fan base has grown dramatically, and various public events have been organized around the typewriter.

“It’s beyond the phase where this is just a fad,” Polt said.

It’s almost impossible to gauge recent typewriter sales. Almost all of the original manufacturers are out of business or have been bought out and become different companies. Moonachie, New Jersey-based Swintec appears to be one of the last typewriter makers, selling translucent electronic machines largely to jails and prisons.

But operators of thrift stores and estate sales say typewriters are some of the quickest items to go.

“That’s part of the fun: the hunt,” said Joe Van Cleave, an Albuquerque resident who owns more than a dozen typewriters and runs a popular YouTube channel on restoring the machines. “Sometimes, like a little luck, you might find something from the 1920s in great condition.”

Link to the past

Doug Nichol, director of the upcoming documentary California Typewriter, said the interest stems from “digital burnout” and people wanting a connection to the past. That interest seems to transcend age, he said.

“Kids who grew up knowing only mobile phones and the computer are excited to see a letter typed with your own hand,” Nichol said. “It’s a one-on-one interaction that doesn’t get interrupted by Twitter alerts.”

In his film, set for release in August, Nichol interviews Hanks, who said he uses a typewriter almost every day to send memos and letters.

“I hate getting email thank-yous from folks,” Hanks says in the film. “Now, if they take 70 seconds to type me out something on a piece of paper and send to me, well, I’ll keep that forever. I’ll just delete that email.”

Hanks owns about 270 typewriters but often gives them to people who show an interest.

One way the typewriter craze is growing is through organized “type-ins” — meet-ups in public places where typewriter fans try different vintage machines. Such events have been held in Phoenix, Philadelphia, Seattle, Los Angeles and Cincinnati.

During a recent type-in at Albuquerque soul food restaurant Nexus Brewery, around three dozen fans took turns clicking the keys of an Italian-made 1964 Olivetti Lettera 32 and a 1947 Royal KMM, among others.

‘Real refreshing’

Rich Boucher spent most of his time on a 1960s-era Hermes 3000 crafting poetry.

“I haven’t used a typewriter in forever,” he said. “This is a real refreshing way to spend a summer afternoon.”

After finishing his work, Boucher grabbed his phone and sent a Facebook status update about the experience. He then started looking online for a Hermes 3000.

“That’s the typewriter I want,” he said. “I’m going to find one.”

Educators Aim to Reach 6M Children With Visual, Hearing Impairments

Imagine that you could not see. Or hear. And that you were just a child.

What would your world be like? How would you communicate? Who would teach you to speak, to sign or to read Braille? To play?

For more than 6 million children around the world, many in developing countries, this is their reality.

Experts say the overwhelming majority of children with multiple disabilities are falling through the education system.

“These children for the most part don’t get an education — something on the order of 90 percent,” said Dave Power, president and chief executive officer of Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, Massachusetts, the United States’ oldest academic institution serving blind, deaf-blind and low-vision students.

Children with these disabilities have tremendous potential, he and other educators say, but they need the right education to realize it.


“The stigma and discrimination that exists around disabilities — it is the attitudinal barrier — it has a wide-ranging impact,” said Gopal Mitra, senior adviser on disabilities at UNICEF, the U.N. Children’s Fund.

Another hurdle is the availability of resources from governments and within families, which often means educating a disabled child becomes a lower priority. “Within the family, often parents do not see the value of educating the child who cannot see or cannot hear,” Mitra said.

There also is a general lack of programs to provide teachers with the specialized training required for teaching children with visual or hearing impairments.

“I think that the greatest challenge across the world is to get the government involved in the need for teacher training,” said educator Roseanne Silberman. “Even talking about being hungry, being thirsty, wanting to go to the bathroom, if you are in pain or in discomfort — our kids have no way of expressing it without having teachers who are expert in teaching communications skills.”

Depriving an entire part of the population of vital life skills ultimately has a negative impact on society, advocates say.

“Human capital is the most precious, most important resource any community has,” said Juan José Gómez Camacho, Mexico’s U.N. ambassador and an advocate for persons with disabilities. “What we are doing by not investing and educating young children with any kind of disability or visual impairment or blindness, we are not only depriving them of means to live meaningful lives, but countries and communities are depriving themselves from thriving members of society that can contribute enormously.”

Training teachers

This week at the United Nations on the sidelines of meetings for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Perkins School for the Blind announced that it is launching an initiative to close this gap by training 1 million teachers worldwide by 2030 to educate children with multiple disabilities.

“We want to do that in a way that supports teachers who are in public schools and teachers that are in special schools, so all children will have a quality education,” said Michael Delaney, executive director of Perkins International. He said the program, which will have three different course levels ranging from two days to nine months, would train teachers to an international standard.

“We feel that we can get more people out there — better educators, better policymakers, better programmers — that are going to be able to make a change in their societies,” he added.

The Perkins school has a history of training teachers from other countries so they can go home and work with blind, deaf-blind and low-vision children. Now, Power said, they want to standardize that approach so they can have a wider reach.

“Because we already have the knowledge and know-how and have done it, we can do it very efficiently,” Power said.

The school expects to fund the program through a combination of government and philanthropic support.

Success story

Maricar Marquez was born deaf and at age 7 was diagnosed with Usher syndrome, an inherited condition that causes progressive vision loss. Today she is deaf-blind. She also has an older sister with the same condition.

Born in the Philippines, Marquez moved with her family to Canada, where both girls received specialized education. Marquez has defied stigmas that people with disabilities cannot learn. She earned a master’s degree, is married, works at a national center for deaf-blind youth and is a marathon runner, triathlete and skydiver.

“I am a very different person than anyone thought when I was younger,” she said through a sign language interpreter. “And had I not gotten the services that I did, I would not be where I am.”

Qatari Businesses Find New Suppliers After Gulf Boycott

The sanctions imposed by Saudi Arabia and other Arab states on Qatar have been a blessing for Mohammed Kuwari and his al-Rawa brand of yoghurt. With competing Saudi products off the shelves, his business is booming.

“Our sales doubled! There’s lots of production as you can see and we have a big share in the market now,” said the 30-year-old dairy factory owner.

Previously he struggled to compete against products trucked in from Saudi firms like the Middle East’s biggest dairy, Almarai.

But last week Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain imposed an economic and diplomatic boycott on Qatar, accusing the small Gulf state of funding terrorism and cosying up to their enemy Iran, which Qatar denies.

The measures have disrupted imports in Qatar, which buys most of its food from the neighbors that have ostracized it.

Change in trading patterns?

Qatar’s own mostly small consumer businesses say they are finding new suppliers, which could alter established trading patterns in the Gulf.

Plastic and cardboard that Kuwari’s company uses to make packaging are stuck in containers in Dubai, he said.

“We were stunned at first. Our supply of raw materials was completely cut off,” said Kuwari. “But we took action.”

Kuwari says he will terminate contracts for raw materials from the Dubai-based conglomerate JRD international worth 30 million riyals ($8.21 million) a year. Instead he is forging deals with Turkish, Indian and Chinese companies to secure future supplies that will be shipped to Qatar via ports in Oman and Kuwait.

Pulling plug on contracts

Qatar typically imports perishable goods through its land link with Saudi Arabia. Millions of dollars of other goods and materials also come every month via Dubai’s Jebel Ali port which serves as a major re-export hub for the Gulf.

Businesses in Qatar say they are pulling the plug on UAE and Saudi contracts, and don’t expect to resume them even if the diplomatic storm blows over.

“We are not working with them again. They didn’t honor their agreements. Our products are being held up there,” said Ahmed al-Khalaf, chairman of International Projects Development Co. and owner of a Qatari meat processing plant that imports materials from the UAE.

“We may not have many factories in Qatar but we have the money to buy from other sources.”

Richest country

Qatar is the world’s richest country per capita, with just 2.7 million residents and income from the world’s biggest exports of liquefied natural gas. Nearly 90 percent of its population are foreign guest workers, mostly from South Asia or poorer countries in the Middle East.

Dubai offers lower costs and shorter shipping times than many other ports in the Middle East. But Oman’s Sohar port has been trying to compete by expanding its capacity. Business from Qatar could help that effort.

On Monday, Qatar launched two new shipping services to Omani ports as the gas-rich country seeks to secure food supplies closed off by the Saudi-led boycott.


EIA: Wind, Solar Surpassed 10 Percent of US Electricity in March

Wind and solar accounted for more than 10 percent of U.S. electricity generation for the first time in March, the Energy Department’s Energy Information Administration said on Wednesday.

Wind and solar power capacity has been growing in the United States, accounting for an average of up to 7 percent of electricity in 2016.

Texas, a wind power giant, accounted for the largest total amount of wind and solar electricity generation in 2016, according to the EIA.

Meanwhile, Iowa ranked as the state with the highest share of renewable energy in its electricity mix, with 37 percent of electricity generation from wind and solar.

A separate report released on Wednesday by Deloitte found that consumer and business preference will continue to drive demand for renewable energy.

The report found that 61 percent of customers wanted a certain percentage of electricity to come from renewable energy.



Medical App Aims to Tackle Rape, Flag War Crimes in DRC

Activists behind an app designed to assist doctors document evidence of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo aim to go beyond obtaining justice for rape victims and collect data that could help secure prosecutions for war crimes.

Developed by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), MediCapt allows clinicians to record medical examination results digitally and photograph victims’ injuries, store them online and send them directly to law enforcement officials and lawyers.

In a vast nation plagued by militant violence and poor roads that restrict access to remote areas, PHR hopes the mobile app will lead to more convictions for sexual violence and help Congo shake off its tag as “rape capital of the world.”

Looking for patterns of abuse

By recording data about both victims and assailants, the app — which is currently in field testing — could also be used to detect mass violence and crimes against humanity and provide evidence for war crimes investigators, according to PHR.

“It has the power to be used as an early-warning system or rapid response tool, as the data could show patterns of abuses and violence,” said Karen Naimer, director of the U.S.-based PHR’s program on sexual violence in conflict zones.

MediCapt could help prosecutors map trends or patterns of locations attacked, victims targeted and languages spoken and the uniform worn by assailants, Naimer told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

“The app may also be used to push for war crime prosecutions with evidence of crimes that are widespread or systematic,” she said.

Ethnic violence in Congo, Africa’s second-largest nation, has worsened since December, when President Joseph Kabila refused to step down at the end of his mandate.

Recent acts of violence between local militia and Congolese forces in central Congo, including the killing of civilians and foreign U.N. experts, could constitute war crimes, the International Criminal Court’s prosecutor said in April.

Priority is aiding victims

Yet the priority for PHR with MediCapt — which will be rolled out for use by doctors in eastern Congo this summer — is to ensure that it gives victims of sexual violence the security and confidence to come forward and speak out, Naimer said.

Sexual violence is often seen as a byproduct of years of fighting in Congo, where atrocities were blamed on soldiers and armed groups, but rape is also rife beyond the conflict zones.

“While the app has the potential to highlight mass violence and human rights violations, protecting victims of sexual violence has to come first,” Naimer said.

Facebook to Add Fundraising Option to ‘Safety Check’

Facebook said Wednesday that it would soon allow its U.S. users to raise and donate money using its “Safety Check” feature, to make it easier for people affected by natural disasters and violent attacks to receive help.

“Safety Check,” launched in 2014, allows Facebook users to notify friends that they are safe. The feature was used for the first time in the United States last year after a gunman massacred 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida.

The fundraising tool in “Safety Check” will roll out in the coming weeks in the United States, Facebook said in a blog post.

The social network, which has about 1.94 billion users worldwide, activated “Safety Check” for users in London on Wednesday following a fire in a housing block that killed at least six people and injured more than 70.

It also made the tool available earlier this month following deadly attacks on London Bridge.

Facebook also said its “Community Help” feature, which helps people affected by disasters find each other locally to provide and receive assistance, would soon expand to include desktop users.

Broccoli Ingredient Found to Reduce Blood Sugar in Diabetics

There’s not much middle ground on broccoli — people either love it or hate it.

U.S. President George H.W. Bush, for instance, was not a fan.

“I do not like broccoli,” he famously said. “And I have not liked it since I was a little kid.  And my mother made me eat it.  And I am president of the United States.  And I am not going to eat any more broccoli.”

But there’s no denying that it’s a superfood.

And today, there’s one more reason to love it: A compound found in broccoli appears to be at least as effective as a widely used drug to treat diabetes, according to Swedish researchers who think the ingredient could be a safe alternative for lowering blood sugar.

It turns out the green vegetable contains a chemical, called sulforaphane, that appears in clinical trials to work as well as metformin at reducing blood sugar levels in diabetics.

That could be good news for a significant percentage of the 300 million Type 2 diabetics around the world who cannot take metformin, a first-line therapy, because of potential kidney damage and stomach upset.

Dr. Anders Rosengren of the Lund University Diabetes Center in Sweden helped discover the potential of sulforaphane in lowering HA1c, a blood biomarker of long-term glucose control.

He led a team of researchers who used a computer model to sort through a public database of more than 3,800 promising compounds to find sulforaphane.

‘Very exciting’

“We think this is very exciting. because there have been so many claims over the years of different food, dietary components having different health effects. We have really scientifically based proof that it has an effect on Type 2 diabetes,” Rosengren said.

In a 12-week study of 97 patients with Type 2 diabetes, sulforaphane lowered HA1c levels by a relative reduction of 10 percent compared with levels in the control group.

In absolute terms, the metformin-only group saw a 23 percent lowering of their HA1c while the sulforaphane group had a 24 percent reduction.  While that doesn’t seem like much, it’s enough to encourage researchers to keep pressing ahead with their studies, because it suggests that sulforaphane could work as well as metformin in reducing HA1c.

Even if that turns out not to be the case, Rosengren said, a combination of metformin and sulforaphane could work “synergistically” to drive blood sugar levels down better than metformin alone.

Because it would be unethical not to treat patients with a drug known to lower blood sugar, Rosengren said all of the participants in the study were on metformin, including the ones who got sulforaphane.

The findings were published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

Rosengren said he looked forward to conducting another human clinical trial with pre-diabetic patients.

“If you were to have people without metformin at all, it might be that the sulforaphane might be even stronger,” he said.

Quick approval seen

Both sulforaphane and metformin reduce glucose production by the liver, through a mechanism the body uses to ensure it has enough fuel during periods of fasting, like overnight. In diabetics who are also overweight, Rosengren said, the liver’s glucose production function is not sensitive to the body’s needs, and the liver dumps too much glucose into the bloodstream, causing unhealthy spikes in blood sugar levels.

Rosengren said that because sulforaphane is natural, known to be safe and has no known side effects, he thinks it could be approved as a blood sugar-lowering agent by U.S. and European regulators in the next year or two.

Those who are ready to start eating broccoli with an eye toward reducing blood sugar should know this: Rosengren said average portions of the cruciferous vegetable would not be enough. In the study, researchers gave subjects up to five kilograms of sulforaphane extracted from broccoli sprouts, an amount that would be difficult to consume in a day, except in pill form.

For diabetics who hate broccoli, that could be an answer to their dilemma.

Scientists Find ‘Achilles Heel’ in Malaria Parasite

Researchers have identified an “Achilles heel” in the malaria parasite — a weakness that could stop the mosquito-borne infection in its tracks. The discovery offers the possibility of a cure, as well as a way to halt transmission. 

The malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, uses a protein to infect red blood cells. By blocking the protein, called PfAP2-I, the malaria parasite can’t enter the cells where it replicates billions of times before bursting forth into the bloodstream, according to researchers. 

The hallmark symptoms of malaria, including high fever and chills, come in waves every 48 hours — which is every time the parasite reproduces. 

Halting the so-called invasion phase, according to lead researcher Manuel Llinas, could potentially stop the infection.

“Invasion has for a long time been considered … one of the key parasite-specific processes that, if inhibited, would then prevent the full-blown, massive infections that one normally gets,” Llinas said.

Llinas and his colleagues at Pennsylvania State University have identified and characterized PfAP2-I, finding that it regulates more than 150 parasitic genes — nearly 20 percent of which are known to be involved in red cell invasion.

The protein appears to hold the key to activating those parasitic genes, allowing them to gain a foothold during a critical stage of infection.

“It’s like we’re taking a step back and looking at what actually establishes that program in the first place, preventing any of those molecules from being made in the first place,” said Llinas.  “And that’s really I think the Achilles heel to getting at preventing invasion and stopping the disease altogether.”

The findings are reported in the journal Cell Host and Microbe.

For the past 50 years, Llinas said, researchers have been trying to find a way to attack the invasion phase, typically with vaccines aimed at harnessing the immune system.  

Because the parasite has dozens of mechanisms to pull itself into red cells after attaching to their surface, it is hard raise an immune response to block them all, according to Llinas.

P. falciparum has also shown resistance to virtually all malaria drugs.

Llinas said the next step is to develop a drug that targets the parasitic protein.

In addition to a possible cure, an agent that targets PfAP2-I has the potential to break the transmission cycle, since there would few, if any, daughter parasites in the bloodstream to infect biting mosquitoes. 

There are an estimated 212 million cases of malaria each year, and the disease kills 429,000 people, most of them young children in sub-Saharan Africa.

Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rate Slightly

Top officials of the U.S. central bank raised the benchmark interest rate slightly on Wednesday, as the recovering economy no longer seems to need quite as much of the boost it gets from ultra-low rates.

The Federal Reserve raised its short-term rate a quarter of a percent, to a range between one and 1.25 percent.  

To cope with the recession that started in 2007, the Fed cut interest rates nearly to zero, a record low, in a bid to cut the cost of borrowing and encourage economic activity and cut unemployment.  

With the jobless rate cut from 10 percent to just 4.3 percent recently, the recovering economy no longer needs so much help from low interest rates.  Wednesday’s action is just the latest in a gradual series of rate hikes that are moving interest rates back toward the rates usually seen over the past few decades.  

Officials worry that keeping rates too low for too long could spark a burst of inflation that could hurt the economy. Fed officials have been trying to get inflation to rise to a low but manageable rate of about two percent.  The inflation rate remains below this target.  

Fed officials also said they would reduce the central bank’s huge holding of bonds and other securities later this year. During the recession, the Fed purchased $4.3 trillion worth of financial products in a complex bid to further boost growth by cutting long-term rates. The plan calls for gradually reducing these holdings in ways that do not disrupt markets.  

The Fed’s leaders say they expect the world’s largest economy to grow at a 2.2 percent annual rate this year, and expand a bit more slowly in 2018 and 2019. They predict a slight decrease in the unemployment rate, and a slight rise for the inflation rate.

Big Data Gives China’s Top 3 Internet Firms Big Leverage

China’s three big Internet-driven companies, Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu, are set to influence a vast section of the country’s business because they control data concerning the consumer and social behavior of millions of people. The awesome power comes from the government’s drive to develop a “big data” industry, which is thriving in China.

Several other players, including utilities like phone companies and retail chains, are also trying to dip into the newly discovered pot of money from buyers who need information to understand buying preferences of potential customers, and design their products and strategies in line with the data flows.

“It [big data] is an improvement to do [a] better job, but unfortunately your [consumer’s] lifeline is more and more dependent on these big three guys,” said Chiang Jeongwen, a professor of marketing at the China Europe International Business School.

Recent studies have shown that nearly 90 percent of China’s 731 million online users have made at least one online purchase, often involving the use of Baidu’s search facilities, e-commerce sites and third-party transactions using mobile phone apps.

Predicting trends

“People are buying things and using their third party payment systems. [That] information [is] also being captured by Tencent and Alibaba. That is huge because now they know both offline and online information of consumers,” said Chiang.

These companies own a wide range of businesses that makes it possible for them to gather both online and offline data that is generated when a customer uses a phone app to make payments at a physical shop.

Alibaba owns Alipay while Tencent runs the highly popular WeChat service which offers mobile payment options. Baidu is China’s biggest internet search engine and holds the kind of influence that Google does in other countries.

“They have diversified the services [that] they offer. Alibaba, they are big in e-commerce. The kind of data they generate comes from anything ranging from what you buy online to your bill payments, travel bookings you do with, for example, the Alipay app,” said Shazeda Ahmed, visiting academic in the technology and economics division of Mercator Institute of Chinese Studies.

“People use the same platforms to make purchases, so there is a sense of extreme power in this situation because you can do all of these on one platform,” she explained.

These companies have a very strong predictive power that comes from a vast store of historical data and real-time data that they are collecting from users of different services. “They kind of able to anticipate the next thing a user might want before the user himself is aware of it,” she said.

Trading in data

The expansion of big data has given rise to serious concerns about the privacy of millions of people, who reveal both their transaction information and facets of social behavior through social media.

China has seen the rise of a black market for data. Data sellers offer a wide range of data on a targeted person, business or community by cracking into official databases and privately run sites.

But Chinese officials insist the government has put in place strong safeguards.

“There is a very strong firewall built before the big data center was established,” Zhang Bin, a senior official of the main big data center established by the Chinese government in Guiyang city. “We also made strict policy to control the data leaks from the government, so these are the two ways to protect information not to be leaked to the private companies for illegal use.”

The government has established a big data exchange center in Guiyang to encourage private and state-run companies to trade in data in a transparent manner, and help the industry find out the real price of the information. The center has come in for some praise by foreign companies who visited it but some questions remain unanswered.

“Having a legitimate place to trade data is an idea, but how does an exchange ensure that the data controllers has to requisite rights to sell data and it’s not breach of privacy?” Gagan Sabharwal, director of the National Association of Software and Service Companies in India, said after a recent visit.

Seattle Passes Sugary Drink Tax to Fight Childhood Obesity

Nearly one third of all humans are now classified as overweight or obese. That’s the conclusion from a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine that dropped this week. When it comes to childhood weight problems, the U.S. tops the list. 13 percent of U.S. kids are now classified as obese. To combat the problem, the city of Seattle in Washington state is taking what some consider a drastic measure. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports.